Dear white woman

Dear white woman,

The murder of George Floyd appalled you. You felt called to action to learn more about the injustices of the Black people. Then the summer ended and you wanted to go back to brunch. Well, that summer never ends for me, you know because I'm Black. I advocate for myself and my Black community every single day. This may be a surprise to you but allyship is the same thing. It makes sense that 55% of you voted for a racist president. More than 2016, because you choose whiteness over gender. I hope you reflect on your performative allyship and get it together. Reflect on how you centered yourself and not humanity and equality for Black people and BIPOC. If you are a true ally, call other white women in to do better. Allyship is life long. Be uncomfortable. Do the work.

Dr. Akilah Cadet


George Floyd Day of Rememberance


Be Proactive, Not Reactive for the Election